
The Gospel breaks through in an extraordinary way


In many countries and at many places. It makes us humble and joyful. We want to share our experiences with you. We see God at work.

But first: Who and what are we?

Out of Abram Krol's growing international work grew a foundation (in the Netherlands), the Facilite Foundation (Stichting Facilite). Facilite is Latin for: Make possible! The name has been kept neutral (due to work in 'difficult' countries), but indicates exactly what we intend to do: we want facilitate spiritual breakthroughs and church renewal. The foundation is interdenominational and independent.

The Facilite Foundation collaborates with foundations in Congo, Nepal and Ivory Coast (and less officially and with its own goals, also in Somaliland). She sees her tasks as:

  1. Teaching pastors and local spiritual leaders about the principles of healthy churches (as described in the book 'Church Growth Complete').
  2. Publishing books and brochures on this subject to support pastors, evangelists and church leaders.
  3. Evangelism, mainly in unreached regions and places (pygmies, Tibetan tribes in Nepal, slums, etc.). We offer as well teaching in personal evangelism combined with follow up in small groups.



You can support this special work with an online donation.
You can also get all the information you want about that project and a financial overview of it.
You can choose a special purpose, if you wish, personally or with school/church/association etc. It is even possible that you visit your own project.
For more information, please send us a message and we will contact you.

Foundation Documents:


Facilite Foundation
tel: +31 183 636197.
email: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
The bank account of Stichting Facilite is NL61RABO0129865079